a-adil pd semua makhluk

b-bnyakkan brsabar

c-cekalkan hatimu

d-derma amalanmu

e-elakkan pertelingkahan

f-fikir sblum brtindak

g-gembira biar berpada

h-hormat org lbih tua
i-insaf sentiasa kpd Allah

j-jgn brdusta

k-kasih mengasihi sesame insan

l-lemah lembut amalan diri

m-makan mknn yg halal

n-nafsu jgn dituruti

o-otak mesti cuci (pemikiran)

p-patuhi printah Allah

q-Quran pedoman hidup

r-redha segala musibah

s-solat lima waktu

t-tingkatkan keimanan

u-utamakan kesihatan

v-wirid slps solat

w-wajibkan menutup aurat

y-yakin diri

z-zalim jgn sekali

RaYa DaTaNg LaGi..

Raya mesti korang semua balik kmpg kn...Okey..hati-hati di jalan raya tau...ingatlah org tersayang..


Do you want to know something about guys?

If you treat him, he will say you are in love with them.

If you don’t, he says you are proud.

If you dress nicely, he’ll say you are trying to impress him.

If you don’t, he will say you’re a “KAMPUNG GIRL”.

If you argue with him, he’ll say you’re stubborn.

If you keep quiet, he says you have no brain.

If he loves you, he won’t miss you.

If you love him, he will try to love you.

If you don’t let him kiss you, he will say you don’t love him.

If you tell him your problem, he says you’re trouble-some.

If you don’t, he says you don’t trust him.

If you break your promise, you can’t be trusted.

If he breaks his promise, he is forced to do it.

If you smoke, you’re a bad girl.

If he smokes, he is gentleman.

Mufin Coklat


850 gm tepung berprotein tinggi

150 gm tepung gandum

18 gm yis

175 gm gula halus

85 gm marjerin

2 biji telur

535 ml air

sedikit garam


sedikit coklat/koko coklat biji


Adunkan kesemua bahan dalam pengadun dgn kelajuan sederhana.Masukkan coklat/koko.Kacau rata.

Masukkan ke dalam beg "piping" dan paipkan dalam acuan mengikut citarasa.

Taburkan coklat biji dan bakar di dalam ketuhar pada suhu 180 darjah celcius.